The only potential issue would be if the head bolts enter the water jacket.
the BEST solution to keep from damaging the block would be to use studs tfor
everything into the block? Other than the water jacket issue, helicoils are
commonly used for alum items. Many of the Racing teams that use Alum head
will helicoil the spark plug holes before anything else, otherwise if they
need to pull a plug for any reason they have to let the heads cool all the
way down, or they will gaul..
-----Original Message-----
From: []On
Behalf Of David Kernberger
Sent: Wednesday, February 19, 2003 6:19 PM
Subject: Possible Helicoil use
To all,
I have often wondered if it would make any sense to routinely
helicoil (during a rebuild) all the head bolt holes, intake manifold bolt
holes, and spark plug holes in a Rover/BOP engine in order to avoid future
thread stripping problems. I do not remember anybody talking about this
during the last 3 years or so. Would appreciate hearing from anybody who
would like to comment, either pro or con. Alternative ideas, of course,
are welcome too.
Dave Kernberger
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