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RE: engine speculation

To: <>
Subject: RE: engine speculation
From: "Larry Hoy" <>
Date: Thu, 5 Dec 2002 07:26:37 -0700
In-reply-to: <>
Reply-to: "Larry Hoy" <>
> My best guess is that a rod actually snapped

1) My guess is the big end rod bolt(s) broke, or came loose. Things get
real ugly real fast when that happens.

> If the block is reweldable and the pan is fixed what do you think are
the odds of the block still being true 
> and of being able to replace damaged parts individually and avoid a
rebuild on an engine with 1100 miles on it. 

2) I think you might be better off (probably much cheaper) to buy a used
block, then use whatever parts are salvageable from the broken engine.
> Unfortunately I didn't build the engine, but from all the poking about
I have done the rebuild was done thouroughly and 
> to a high standard, this is the other thing that makes me think I had
a part failure.

3)  See number 1 ....

Good luck James.

Larry Hoy
"It's not how fast you go, it's how fast you go fast"

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