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To: "Mgbv8 List \(E-mail\)" <>
Subject: Cooling
From: "Jim Stuart" <>
Date: Mon, 27 May 2002 19:33:41 -0400
Reply-to: "Jim Stuart" <>
As warm weather approaches, so do cooling problems. In the past, I have
always had a front air dam, or spoiler on my V8's, usually the LE style.
When I built the newest car, I was trying to maintain a stock 1966 look, so
I omitted the spoiler. As I watched running temps get higher last week I
decided to install a ST style spoiler I had gotten from a friend, to see if
it really made a difference.

I watched the temp on the way to the shop in the morning, it ran around 195`
on a 30 mile freeway run. With the spoiler installed on the ride home around
4:00 PM, with the outside temperature about 20` higher, engine temp was just
under 185`, so consider a spoiler to cool things off a bit. Of course, it is
no help if you are stuck in traffic at .005 MPH. My driving speed both ways
was 60-65 MPH.

Jim Stuart

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