Sorry, I forgot to mention that I have written to JC Whitney as President
of the Maserati Car Club of Canada requesting they drop the product. If
any of you out there can write on behalf of your club then please do
so. You might do a search for Liphardt & Associates - I can find reference
to them but not them - Do they exist???? In doing a search you will see
how huge this rip-off has become. It is amazing as any 16 year old
scientifically inclined child can show how bogus it is !
I have received the latest J C Whitney and was disappointed to see on page
59 and 200 that they sold a type of device that has long been recognized as
a rip-off. I refer to the "FuelBoss Magnetic Fuel Saver" The sale of this
type of device was effectively stopped in the UK by making the seller prove
the claims - claims were often found fraudulent. Canada has some
wishy-washy laws I think which I am going to look into. As motor
enthusiasts I feel we should help protect each other from this blatant type
hocus-pocus. May I suggest that we ALL write, email, phone J C Whitney and
say we will not only stop buying from them but will also spread the word
unless they stop selling such garbage - After all it only cheapens their
image. I will no longer buy stuff from them because what else is a
cunningly concealed rip-off.
Please, please do it now
Barrie Robinson -
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