I have updated the British V8 website to reflect current conditions
Based on input from you guys, I have decided to make the newsletter available
for free from the internet (with color pictures beginning with the next
issue), and printed copies available for the same price as before - $15.00
per year, three issues. I just hope I'm not strung up from a tree by
disgruntled current subscribers that are not online!
If you wish to subscribe for hard copies, the address is on the website
above, and in the newsletter as well.
The British V8 Newsletter
PO Box 6430
Maryville, TN 37802-6430
In case you wonder what DMP stands for, it's Dan Masters Publishing, the name
I use for publishing my electrical repair manuals.
I hope to have a web hosting service soon, so I can keep all issues on line
for archive purposes. If time permits, and the quality is acceptable, I will
get the old back issues on line as well.
I can't promise that I'll always be able to put out a decent newsletter, but
I will try my best, and I do promise a full refund if I fail to put out a
newsletter at all. And I will LET YOU KNOW if there are any problems, and in
a timely manner.
I'm putting together the January - April 2002 issue now, so I could really
use some articles!
I hope all this meets with your approval,
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