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Re: Fuel injection surge tanks

To: "MGB-V8 list" <>, "Dan Carrington" <>
Subject: Re: Fuel injection surge tanks
From: "Scott Pontius" <>
Date: Mon, 26 Nov 2001 19:28:46 -0800
References: <>
Reply-to: "Scott Pontius" <>
After thinking long and hard on the surge tank problem and looking hard at
the car, I noticed that on a late B with single 12v battery there is an open
space under the car where the second 6v battery used to be.  I took some
measurements, made a sketch and a cardboard mockup, and had a local welding
shop fabricate an aluminum tank about the size and shape of a battery.
A standard SU fuel pump at the main tank feeds to the surge tank by way of a
filter and a Holley float bowl mounted to the side of the surge tank.  A
pickup at the bottom center of the surge tank feeds the Bosch high pressure
pump, which is mounted to a flange welded to the side of the surge tank, so
that it is even with the bottom of the tank and gravity fed.  The return
line from the engine is plumbed into the surge tank, as is a vent line which
goes to a tee fitting in the trunk at the vapor separator tank.

Pluses: Works perfectly.  Since the tank is taller than wide, it would take
like 4 Gs of cornering force to uncover the pickup. Up under the chassis, no
lines or components hang down, well protected.  The SU pump only pumps as
much fuel as the engine is actually using, as at low flow rates the Holley
float assy closes off the line like a standard carb.  Adds about a gallon of
emergency fuel capacity.  Looks kinda bitchin.
Minus:  Not really thrilled about having a low tech Holley float, needle and
seat on my car, will have to be replaced on a standard preventive
maintenance schedule.

I have several photos of the tank taken before installation, give me a
couple of days and I'll dig them up and get them scanned.

BTW:  The tank was done at Elco Welding in Venice, they do great work.  Show
them a picture of the tank and they'll probably remember doing mine. I may
still have their number somewhere.

Scott Pontius
'78 MGB V8
'82 Lotus Eclat S2 Riviera
'90 Ford Taurus POS pit crew vehicle
San Diego

----- Original Message -----
From: "Dan Carrington" <>
To: "TR7/8 newslist" <>
Sent: Monday, November 26, 2001 4:09 PM
Subject: Fuel injection surge tanks

> Has anybody fitted a surge tank to FI conversion vehicle to counter the
> problems and air gulping at cornering with a carb style fuel tank and
> If so:
> what type
> how much
> where did you mount it
> where did you get it
> what type of low pressure pump did you use to fill it
> thanks
> Dan Carrington
> 1977 White TR7/V8 FI with fuel starvation at hard right turns
> 1994 Honda CBR900RR sportbike

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