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RE: Bronte and the IRA

To: <>
Subject: RE: Bronte and the IRA
From: "Chaz S" <>
Date: Sun, 16 Sep 2001 23:26:43 -0500
Reply-to: "Chaz S" <>
Bastard terrorists... it's a shame we don't have a nation to go nuke like in
WWII eh?  I will be interested to see what comes of a world war on terrorists.
The only question I would like to ask at the present is why haven't other
nations taken severe action in the past when they were attacked?  Was it
purely the magnitude of the attack that made it reverberate so deeply in the
United States and the world, or does it have to do with a difference in the
American mind set?  Internationally, does the huge reaction relate to the
neo-roma aspect of the US or once again just the magnitude of the attack?  I
just want to know why it took an incident this large to light a fire-cracker
under the world's butt.  Well, school in the morning so I'm off to sleep.
Night all.

And btw, I used to live in lower Manhattan and I don't think I ever heard a
positive reference to the IRA, but that doesn't mean there aren't some people
out there who are/were supportive of them.  (Mind you, there cause has some
supporters everywhere in the states, it's there methods that virtually no one
would condone... especially now)

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