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Brake Calipers & Pads

To: <>
Subject: Brake Calipers & Pads
From: "Jeffrey Howell" <>
Date: Wed, 25 Apr 2001 21:38:19 -0500
Reply-to: "Jeffrey Howell" <>
I want to have my Kingpins rebuilt and have my brake calipers off as well.
Someone told me that you can install larger pads from a Jag in the standard
calipers to give more brake surface.  Does anyone know the number of the pads
and if they are in simi-metallic?  Moss list a Mintex V-8 pad for $79.95 which
seems high.  Would like to find an alternative.
I want to send my calipers off to have them rebuilt as well.  What does the
group suggest.  I used Apple for my rear shocks and seemed to do a good job.
Who does both kingpins and brake calipers and will clean and paint and do a
great job?  Please let me know your suggestions.
Jeff Howell
1963 MGB V8

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