What type of oil filter adapter plate are you using?
It sounds to me like the problem lies there. If you try a different
adapter, maybe the factory-style take-off and remote filter, you could get
rid of the shims altogether...
Will cost a number of bucks, but it's "poetical", as I like to say...
Scott Pontius
'78 MGB V8
San Diego
----- Original Message -----
From: "Bruce" <>
To: "MGB Newsgroup" <>
Sent: Tuesday, January 16, 2001 7:04 PM
Subject: Header/Pinion Clearance
> I have just fitted my engine for (hopefully the final time) and the I
> shimmed the passengers side motor mount 3 original MGB motor mount shims
> get the oil adapter plate for the up-rated oil pump off the rack. I also
> shimmed the drivers side the same. The headers which have been ceramic
> coated and the pinion are hitting each other. If I remove any shims from
> passengers side it would again hit the rack. The only thing I can think of
> is to remove the header and give it a smack with a hammer right at the
> collector. The ceramic coating is suppose to be such that I could smash
> header flat and it would not screw up the coating, but before I do that I
> was wondering if anyone else had a better idea? This is a 1974 MGB RB car.
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