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transmission tunnel prep question.

Subject: transmission tunnel prep question.
From: Mike Cousins <>
Date: Fri, 22 Sep 2000 09:40:29 -0700 (PDT)
Reply-to: Mike Cousins <>
I'm finally getting my '77 mgb ready for the v8 and I wanted to get
everyones opinion on prepping the tranny tunnel for the v8 (rover 5
speed).  The book says to cut it and weld in a new 'box' piece, but
I'd rather not do that because I think it would significantly reduce
the strength in that area.  I think I remember Glenn Towery saying
that this was unnecessary and that all you had to do was to beat the
crap out of it with a sledge hammer !
So, I'd like to read some opinions / methods used  from the list members.
Cheers !
P.S. I've read that the 2001 v8 convention is gonna
be in Florida?  Where?

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