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RE: magazine article

To: "''" <>, v8 list <>
Subject: RE: magazine article
From: Paul MacDonald <Paul.MacDonald@PWGSC.GC.CA>
Date: Thu, 10 Aug 2000 11:42:08 -0400
Reply-to: Paul MacDonald <Paul.MacDonald@PWGSC.GC.CA>
I have a copy at home that I can get scanned if anyone hasn't already
replied -- also have the 1961 Hot Rod article -- if you want either or both
send me an e-mail .

If you look at the TR7/8 website and search the archives , you will get a
ton of information -- type in stroker, for instance and see what you get.

Paul MacDonald

> -----Original Message-----
> From: []
> Sent: Wednesday, August 09, 2000 9:22 PM
> To:   v8 list
> Subject:      magazine article
> can anyone send me a copy of the march 1985 hot rod magazine article on
> the 215.If somebody has an address on the internet  that it's available
> at that would also be great.I have found alot of references to how good
> it is so i would really like to read it."i need all the help i can get
> <grin>...........Greg

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