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Cooling system

To: "BV-8" <>
Subject: Cooling system
From: "Slim's mail" <>
Date: Mon, 27 Dec 1999 20:48:44 -0600
Reply-to: "Slim's mail" <>

even the stock B had over heating problems in hot weather in trafic and
under hard use, (auto cross). we solved that when we found that a lot of hot
air is trapped in the engine compartment and has a difficult time exiting
under the car, thus no new air can get through the radiator. by cutting
louvers in the side of each fender just in front of the doors and cutting an
opening beside the wiper motor and master cylinder. this plus an air dam
dramaticly inproves cooling. and the addition of an electric fan. I found
that on most cars no matter what engine, (if the cooling system is half way
right), you can do away with a fan above 35 MPH on the hottist day. My
project BV-8 will have a 215 Olds which was noted for running hot so I am
taking extra steps (ratical) to cool.  Reverse cooling and use of Propolene
glycol straight and no presure system. will let everyone know if it is


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