In a message dated 99-10-02 22:31:59 EDT, writes:
<< Wouldn't you know it, no sooner than Kurt announces the newsletter website
the newsletter, the host server goes out and the site is not accessible. >>
I just got back in town. Does this mean what I think it means? The much
anticipated September issue of MGV8 Newsletter is HERE! I had my mail held
while out of town, but I'll be banging on the Post Office door bright and
early Monday. With my conversion now in full swing, I've been wearing out the
path to the mailbox all month. Glad Kurt's still on the job!
While I'm at it, anyone have tips or suggestions for the A/C portion of the
conversion. Jim? I know you have done the A/C deal. Seems I will soon be
aquiring a complete MGB A/C system. Should I use the compressor or get a GM
Also, anyone that may have switched to RV8 headers, I am looking for a good
used block-hugger header system.
Off to the Post Office. LET ME IN.