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Re: cooling stuff

To: "E-Mail" <>, "Jack Emery" <>, "Jim Stuart" <>
Subject: Re: cooling stuff
From: "murray arundell" <>
Date: Sat, 24 Jul 1999 08:58:07 +1000
Cc: <>
Reply-to: "murray arundell" <>
Hi guys,

Have been reading the thread on cooling those V8s.  The following may help.

Have run a factory built rubber Nose V8 in Queensland Australia now for ten
years.  In all that time I have never had a problem with over heating once
I had the cooling system in top condition.  Remember that our temperatures
here are as hot or hotter then anything you guys have to contend with.  We
also get very high humidity in some areas too.

Important Points:

1) By far the most important thing is to ensure that the sealed cooling
system is running at the correct pressure, 15lbs.  I'll bet that most
converted V8 are running 10lbs.  This will lower your running temperature

2) Vitally important there are no pressure leaks.  Most common site for
these is the brass overflow tank fitted to factory cars.  This occurs above
the usual water line so there is no accompanying water leak.

3) All water galleries in the Rover V8 should clear.  it is common in older
motors which have not run the correct(or any) anti freeze for flaking to
occur.  this blocks up the water galleries and eventually the radiator.

4)Radiator should be taken apart and "rodded" ie all the capillaries
cleaned and then re-built.  Not cheap but less than a V8 blow up!

5)Ensure a "Tropical" thermostat is fitted.  Should be available at any
Rover Dealer in the USA.  Range Rover and Discovery engines are the same as
the factory V8 motors.

6) Twin fans should be fitted to the radiator.  Make sure these are both
spinning in the same (correct) direction.  You'd be amazed at how often
they don't.

7) The only concession I have made in terms of modification to my cooling
system was to fit a manual override switch to the themo fans on the
radiator.  If I get in traffic I simply flick them on BEFORE the engine
temp starts to climb.  

With all this done I have never ever been worried about my cars temp.  to
the point that in winter I have to fit a blanket across the lower part of
the radiator when high speed driving as I have Special Tuning Spoiler which
directs air direct to the oil cooler and radiator.  In Summer car runs
ALWAYS on normal on the highway, even at 100 mph.  In traffic it never
climbs above halfway between normal and high.  Will idle all day in 100F
heat and the needle will not budge. (yes have checked the gauge is working

Hope it helps chaps!

Murray Arundell
Brisbane - Australia

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