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Re: Greg's been drinknn'

Subject: Re: Greg's been drinknn'
From: Glenn Towery <>
Date: Sun, 25 Apr 1999 06:26:11 -0700
References: <>
Reply-to: Glenn Towery <>
Sender: wrote:
> OK
>         Not that I want to offend all the folks on the list, but!  I figure
> my opinions as good as anyone else's... at least as far as it goes.  So...
> before I drop my it on the group, I'll say, I've had the priveledge of
> visiting Australia and all points south of the souther hemisphere and all...
> that!  So.... Glen, my opinion of of the 300 rods differs from yours.  In a
> car like the Olds F85, I'd think they'd be all right.  Given that they'd
> probably not see the shady side of 4900 RPM.  Any arguments?
> Greg
Greg, What GOOD is the 300 rod going to do????? That is only going to
turn 4900 r p m ????  It is heaver than the stock rod ( that I turn 7000
R.P.M.) & you will have to add mallory to the crank to get it to
ballance out & you will still only have a 3900 motor!!! There are .020 
over 3900 rover pistons that I can get that will do the job & turn 6000
r p m     Glenn

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