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Cooling problems

Subject: Cooling problems
From: Jack Emery <>
Date: Sun, 14 Mar 1999 21:36:32 -0500
Reply-to: Jack Emery <>
Should have responded sooner but shop time is more pressing than office

We fill V-8s and late Bs by using a plastic funnel threaded into the upper
fill port on the top tank...then with funnel 1/2 full I crack the clamp on
the upper hose on the heater.  That is th drivers side hose in the US.
This is the highest point, so by breaking the line and catching the flow in
a rag all air is bleed out.  Takes 30 seconds, cost nothing.  Messy
removing the funnel so do this out of doors.

Also, we drill a 1/8 hole in the T-stat skirt in EVERY t-stat installed.
V-8s, MGBs, Pontiacs etc.  It allows an air bleed while filling.  Old GM
dealer trick for inline 6s.

Jack Emery
Glenburn Maine
'67 MGB V-8
many others

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