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Running but Hot

To: V8 List <>
Subject: Running but Hot
From: Rick Huber <>
Date: Tue, 2 Mar 1999 12:57:15 -0500
Reply-to: Rick Huber <>
Hi Gang,

Andrew and I got our V8 engine reinstalled yesterday and it started up on
the first try - quite gratifying for newbies at this type of stuff.  Now it
runs without spewing out oil (thanks to a 1/16" hole in the oil pan) and
transmission fluid (thanks to no input shaft seal in the front cover), the
transmission doesn't rub on the tunnel, and everything electrical works (
except the coolant temperature )  and we were quite satisfied with
ourselves as we drove out of the driveway.

About 15 minutes later while cruising along at about 55 mph the engine just
died.  Coasted over into a new car lot, popped the hood, and found that the
electric cooling fan was running backwards (OK one thing not put together
right on the reinstall - give me a break) and things were pretty hot. 
Figuring it was vapor lock with the fuel boiling in the float chamber we
let it cool for about 15 minutes with the fan running the right direction
of course.  

In order to start when hot, and we noticed this a couple weekends ago when
we were out riding around leaking fluids,  we have to take off the air
cleaner, manually activate the choke's air restrictor plate in the
carburetor, and give it about 3/4 throttle.  When it fires, it belches out
all kinds of black smoke before settling down.

So we got back in, and drove home.  When we got home, things were going
well, so we continued driving around the neighborhood for about 15 minutes.
 Thinking we had solved the overheating problem by reversing the fan, we
decided to take it back out on the highway.  Got to the most inconvenient
spot at a stop light, and it sputtered and died again.  We backed it up
into the median, popped the bonnet, and it was real hot again - identified
by the pressure in the upper radiator hose, which I haven't figured out how
to fill with fluid.  After the standard 15 minute cool off it still
wouldn't start, so we called for a tow.

By the time the tow driver arrived, it was much cooler, and it started
again.  We headed for home, but it only ran for about 2 minutes until it
started sputtering and died again.  Seems like every time it does that it's
running out of gas.

My question is, does anybody have a spare temperature sending unit for a
Buick intake manifold that you could send me.  Are they common GM parts
that I could get locally for another later model manifold ?  Any help would
be appreciated.

If anybody is interested in e-troubleshooting, I've got a Carter 500 on top
of that manifold necked down to 400 cfm  a - la Glen Towery, with his heat
shield underneath.  I'm running a late model MG radiator converted for V8
use, and a 12 " electric fan in front of it.  It was about 70 degrees here
in Baton Rouge yesterday.  My overflow bottle sits on the driver's side
wheel arch, as high as it will go, but still several inches below the top
radiator hose.  

Hopefully, I'll get out this morning while it's cool and have some better

Thanks for the help.

Safety Faster,


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