A problem was discovered with the original seals - of the type you removed.
Apparently, the rubber was incompatible with the high revolutions of the
engine. The new seals are designed for high-speed running so the rubber will
not deteriorate in use. Althought they look different and do not have the inner
spring, I believe you can use them with complete confidence.
> -------Original Message-------
> From: Douglas Ormrod <>
> Subject: Moss rear seal kit seals
> Sent: 18 Dec '06 11:53
> Hi T Listers
> Having finally got the car out of the garage after 7 years and had a few
> trips round the block (all went very well) I now have the engine out
> because the bl..dy Moss rear seal conversion was leaking very badly - I
> have discussed this with some of you off list and received lots of good
> advice. The engine guy has now fitted a speedy sleeve to the crankshaft
> and machined a few thou off the rear of the flywheel to make sure it
> does not push against the seal.
> I bought a new seal from Moss and the one they have supplied is the same
> diameter as the old one, but a different type of seal. The one that came
> with the original kit (about three years ago) was softer and had an
> annular spring to hold the sealing edge against the bearing surface -
> the replacement is a much harder rubber with no spring. The engine guy
> has shown it to some bearing specialists and they are unsure whether
> this is a better or an inferior seal to the old one. Before fitting it
> he has asked if I can get some info about this - is anyone familiar with
> these two types of seal. Such a PINA to get the engine in and out I
> want to make sure it is right this time.
> Thanks as always
> Douglas in New Zealand
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