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RE: Hole Location for Wiper Motor (TD)

To: "'Bill Snyder'" <>,
Subject: RE: Hole Location for Wiper Motor (TD)
From: Jes�s Benajes <>
Date: Tue, 21 Feb 2006 09:43:22 +0100
Bill, I took following measurements for the position of the centre of the

 - centre of hole to horizontal body seam (along a vertical line): 87 mm
 - centre of hole to centre of rear bracket hole (along a horizontal line):
50 mm 

As far as the hole diameter, I recall it is of about 10 mm, but this depends
on how much paint has been sprayed on the body..... 


53 TD

-----Mensaje original-----
De: [] En nombre
de Bill Snyder
Enviado el: lunes, 20 de febrero de 2006 17:35
Para: MG T List
Asunto: Hole Location for Wiper Motor (TD)

Hello list and thanks for your input on mounting my TD Windscreen. The job
was done this weekend and it looks great!
What I need now is the proper location and size of the hole in the cowl for
the windscreen wiper motor wire. Can anyone take a few measurements for me?
It there any type of grommet at the site?
Thanks again in advance.
Bill Snyder
'53 TD The end is in sight!


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