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RE: Steering gear

To: "'Wayne'" <>, <>,
Subject: RE: Steering gear
From: "Jes�s V. Benajes" <>
Date: Mon, 17 Oct 2005 09:12:07 +0200

Recently, I have dismantled the steering rack and dealt with the play in the
inner ball joints.

The shims can be purchased form some dealers, or can be fabricated form
plain adjusting shims of similar diameters It is also possible to grind the
female ball joint housing to reduce the play.

If you have some specific question, write me an email(jbenajes at mot dot
upv dot es). I can also supply detailed pictures, if you need them.



-----Mensaje original-----
De: [] En nombre
de Wayne
Enviado el: viernes, 14 de octubre de 2005 1:20
Asunto: RE: Steering gear

Subject: Steering gear

"I tried to address the problem of uneven tire wear on the front tires of

my TD by taking it to a wheel alignment shop.  They were unable to align

the front end because of too much play in the steering rack.

The inner ball joint has between < and = inch play, diagnosed by moving

the left front wheel from side to side."


My TF has exactly the same problem and I listed a question on the MG

Enthusiast's site but didn't get an answer, and as summer is fast

approaching here I need to do something soon.

Guess I'll have to pull the rack out, and fix it.

I think you'll find if you leave it, it will get worse, so you too might

have to bite the bullet and pull the rack out.

If you do yours first let me know how you get on, & when I do mine I'll let

you know although it might be some time before I work through the list that

SWMBO has waiting for me.

Wayne Styles


'53MGTF  '71MGB

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