The link was just a cartoon about preventive maintainence,
and contained a drawing of a MG/Morgan/Gazelle styled car
with a sophisticted couple discussing car problems.
The voltage regulator in my TD was set at 16V, and according
to the shop
manual this was correct. But, this setting has always boiled
out the battery
water. I was constantly having to wipe acid off the top of
the battery. I
set the regulator to 14V and now every thing is fine, no
boiling and battery
is charging correctly.
That's exactly the problem I've been experiencing and the
reason for doing some research. For short drives there
wasn't any problem. The trouble came when making several
hundred miles or more long distance drives.
I've read that the new batteries have a much lower internal
resistance and therefore don't need as high a voltage
regulator setting.
>From about three different sources so far, I've found that
most voltage regulators today are set for about 13.8 to 14.4
volts. So, I am going to explore ore write Exide and Lucas
and see what they say.
MGA twin cam
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