A much less expensive, easier and more original idea is to install a higher
diff ratio, 4.3, 4.1 or 3.9 in the TD housing. Makes first gear more useful
as well. Gives approximately the same final drive as an O/D 5 speed.
Leave the Datsun/Sierra etc transmissions for Datsun/Fords.
Bob Grunau
Steve Neal, Skyhook Engineering, 1024 Mere Pt Rd, Brunswick, ME,
04011, 207-729-4489 supplies a kit, the basis of which is a Datsun B-210
gearbox. The kit has bell housing, clutch, clutch ancillaries, gearbox
mount, driveshaft, etc, etc, and he loans to you the jig for drilling
three holes in flywheel. Steve has been involved with T-series MGs for
years, and has one of these conversions in his Y saloon. At least two
of our CT MG Club members have these units in their cars now.
There is another conversion available, based on the Ford Sierra 5
speed. It is mentioned in the MG Owners Club catalogue, but I do not know
the components in the kit or anyone who has installed one. MGOC phone #
is +44 (0) 1954 230928. Cost of the kit in catalogue is L899, approx
John Esposito, Quantum Engineering, mentioned a TD five-speed
conversion based on Sierra gearbox, but I know no more about it.
Both conversion Skyhook and MGOC gearboxes have a .82 top gear ratio.
> Greetings,
> One of our club members has a '53 MGTD, and was asking if
> there
> are any kits available for his car which would increase the highway
> speed. Perhaps an overdrive set up or tranny conversion to get more
> MPH.
> If anyone has experience with this subject, could you let me know
> about
> it and I'll forward the response to our friend. He's not on the list
> (yet).
> Thanks in advance,
> Kevin Thompson
> Cape Cod British Car Club
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