The engine shouldn't have been that tight.
When the cylinders were bored, did you supply the pistons so the
machinist could hone them to the correct clearance? If he didn't
ask for the pistons, then that is sloppy work. Did you check the
ring gaps before installing them? Did you check the ring groove
clearance? Did the machinist ask for the rods and the new
bearings to check the bearing clearances after machining the
crank? Did you plastigage the bearings for clearance?
Sticking valves indicate that the guides weren't reamed
properly. Did the machinist use a new reamer for the finish
cut? Are these bronze guides? They take special care as the
bronze stretches and will sometimes finish undersize.
The engine should have been able to run right up to 5500, not
recommended, had you wanted it too.
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