Had to check it out. Dug out my Snap-On catalog and started looking for
Whitworth. No luck whatsoever. Being stubborn, I began at the front of the
wrench section and started reading every caption. Lo and behold, page 120 lists
'British Standard Sockets, 1/4" drive Shallow". There are 5 listed, 2BA, 3/16",
1/4", 5/16" and 3/8". They each list for $7.95. Continuing along, on page 140
I found "British Standard Short Handle Combination Wrenches". There are 7
listed, 3/16", 1BA, 0BA, 1/4", 5/16", 3/8" and 7/16". Prices range from (hold
onto your hats and wallets) $24.55 to $35.50. Or, you can buy the entire set,
in a kit bag, for $208.10.
Bud Krueger