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Re: Lead Additives & Catalysts

To: "Austin Seven" <>,
Subject: Re: Lead Additives & Catalysts
From: "Ed Dunn" <>
Date: Wed, 5 Jan 2000 10:04:23 -0800
Interesting observation on the few vintage cars on our roads... Here in
N.San Diego county, we see very few classics out. Mostly all you see are
neo-classics, such as MGB's and fake Speedsters. Can't remember the last
time I saw another MGT-type like our families', other than out in a club
event. And we're in prime year-round motoring conditions, weather, not
traffic wise. Guess folks are too afraid of getting smushed by my
Suburban... EED     MGTC   MGTD  MGB-V8
> I drove over 400 miles to San Francisco to visit my family for the
> holidays. I saw two older cars on the road on the trip to and from, a
> restored 1965 Ford saloon and a cool looking 1964 Falcon Ranchero street
> rod. Period!  While in the Bay Area, the only old cars that I saw were in
> friends garages, though I did do an appraisal on a 1976 Jag XJ12C that the
> guy actually drove over for me to see. There are not enough old cars on
> road in California for ANYONE to worry about unless they are trying to
> us something or using media scare tactics to take something away from us.
> Rick Feibusch
> Venice, CA

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