Your mail WORKED FINE. I got your mail....think everyone is Xmas
ahoppping...hahahahaha....or is that hohohohohoho
As a matter of fact, I just tore my TF gearbox apart. Guess what I found
wrong.....bad first gear, and a bad cluster gear. Ouch. Step baack jack.
The cost of these two gears...WOW. Moss has the Cluster gear for $800, and
Abington has it for around $700. The 1st gear went around $260 to $300. I
decided to call my buddies in the UK, and got both of them direct from
Bromsgrove around $720, including the cluster shaft and the needle bearings.
Now the only problem....wait, and wait for them to arrive.
Hey, if anyone has any experience with rebuilding the gearbox, I do have one
small problem. I bought a new Rear Bearing, thats the one which is closest to
the flange in the rear gearbox. The new gear has markings on one side, none
on the other. Each side of the bearing has a different amount of edge on the
inside. Anyone know which side goes towards the direction of the first gear?
I failed to notice when I took off the bearing.
Freehold, NJ