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Re: J2 CJF 2 Junction box/cutout

To: "Robert Grunau" <>, "MG-MMM" <>
Subject: Re: J2 CJF 2 Junction box/cutout
From: "Cercle MMM" <>
Date: Sun, 9 Sep 2001 20:47:08 +0200
References: <>
Reply-to: "Cercle MMM" <>
----- Original Message -----
From: "Robert Grunau" <>
To: "MG-MMM" <>
Sent: Sunday, September 09, 2001 3:02 PM
Subject: J2 CJF 2 Junction box/cutout

> HI All,
> My 1933 J2, J 3017,  needs a CJF 2 junction box/cutout. The car is
> nearing restoration completion and this item is holding up completion of
> wiring. Does anyone have an extra CJF 2 in any condition?? Working or not.
> Or a lead on where I can obtain this item?
> My alternative is to cobble up a more modern regulator but this would be a
> last resort.
> Thanks for any help,
> Regards from Canada,
> Bob Grunau
> British Cars Web:
> MMM list subscription info:
Hi Bob,

I had problems with my electrics on the J2 as well.
Now I have fitted a dynamo and a RF 95 ut out and regulator whih I bought at
Mike Allison's.
It's a modern two brush dynamo built in the same way the original was built.
Together with the "modern" regulator I have no more problems with power
outpout, melting soldering because the dynamo gets hot and so on.
Ok, purist please do not read - I simply want to drive the car with no
electri problems... (J2s have lots of other problems as well....)
Best regards
Jos Wantz
secretary Cercle MMM Luxembourg
British Cars Web:
MMM list subscription info:

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