>Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2000 14:25:01 -0600 (MDT)
>X-PH: V4.1@router2.mail.cornell.edu (Cornell Modified)
>From: owner-mg-mmm@autox.team.net
>To: owner-mg-mmm@autox.team.net
>Subject: BOUNCE mg-mmm@Autox.Team.Net: Non-member submission from
> >From mg-mmm-owner@autox.team.net Tue Apr 11 14:24:58 2000
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>From: zwart@earthlink.net
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>Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2000 01:25:52 -0700
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>To: rob thomas <rob@thomasr.greatxscape.net>,
> MG <British-cars-pre-war@autox.team.net>, mg-mmm@autox.team.net
>Subject: Re: Bakelite/Bluemels wheel
>References: <007a01bf8cdc$8551fd60$3022893e@pbncomputer>
>This is a late, late, late response to your Bluemels steering wheel repair. I
>have a M Type that I am restoring. It has a four spoke Bluemels wheel on it,
>with grooves between the spokes in the rim. They look as though they were
>probably molded in originally. I have considered spray coating the wheel with
>a softer paint and tightly wrapping the rim with wire, then curing the paint,
>unwrapping the wire to get the grooves. But, I found a source several years
>ago who said they restore the wheels. Now I can't locate anyone.. The only
>restoration source available, would be cover the whole thing, without
>detail, I
>think in Epoxy. I guess I'm picky, I want it with all the detail.
> Is it Bakelite?. I thought it seemed to be cellulose(my 'plastics'
>background coming out)
>rob thomas wrote:
> > Is there anything to worry about when repairing the crack in a Bluemels
> > wheel. I bought one at an autojumble for £25 but one of the spokes has
> > caused a piece to chip off the rim. Its only small but the pattern of
> > colours is going to be difficult to match. Should I use epoxy resin and
> > then paint it? What paint would be best?
> > TIA
> >
> > Rob Thomas
> > Wales