----- Original Message -----
From: <TATERRY@aol.com>
To: <cknight@ck02.freeserve.co.uk>; <rob@thomasr.greatxscape.net>;
Sent: 12 March 2000 05:17
Subject: Re: British MOT test regulations
> In a message dated 3/11/00 10:05:50 AM Pacific Standard Time,
> cknight@ck02.freeserve.co.uk writes:
> << rob thomas wrote:
> I haven't found any good way of
> > attaching the 9 inch headlamps to the car. I need something like the
> > pre-war MG brackets that would also hold the cycle wings on. Any
> Rob
> Why not use the pre war MG brackets. The TA/TB/TC ones are available
> from all the MG specialists. Try Moss/Naylor Brothers on 01274 594071
> Cliff
> >>
> Rob, Harry Pyle in Oz makes these great alloy cycle wing mounts that
> an attachment point for the lamp bracket...what car are talking about
> Harry's were made up for a TA.
> Terry
So far the car has cost me less than £2000 to build. Sadly I'm too short
of funds to buy a lot of 'ideal but expensive' bits. Thanks for the
advice. I guess I'll just have to keep on autojumbling!
P.S. Registered as a Morris. P-type body and front axle/brakes. Handmade
MG radiator. Healey rear end. Looks like an NA. Engine from an army tank!