In a message dated 1/30/00 6:41:34, DOGEDOC writes:
<< It is official; Mike Allison will be here in the New York Metro area from
April 11 until April 17th. He will introduce his not yet released book, "My
Life and MG".
While some folks have fairly criticized this man, I do not think you will
find anyone who would disagree with the statement that he is truly an honest
and straightforward gent. He is one of the the last links to the MG factory
that is alive today......... Passing 2 weeks with him last April and
listening to his stories helped me realize how valuable he is to us all.
Without his efforts, the MMM register in England would of perhaps never
formed. He has done more to keep the flame alive during those nebulous 60's
where many of our beloved cars would have never been resurected from the
obscurity of the passage of time. >>
Good thoughts, Joseph, thanks for sharing them. The man is a veritable font
of MMM knowledge and lore. His hearing loss does contribute to his percieved
"diminished capacity", but I find that if he has time, going one on one with
him is well worth a visit!
Bill Tantau