Thank you Dave for the, as usual, good information.
I have a PC DOS 2000 CD if you would like to try it Sparkey.
I also have it on 8 floppies.
Bryan wrote:
> For what he needs to do win 98 is much better actually ms dos 6.22 is
> the winner LOL the engine control progam is dos based so getting as
> close to msdos as you can is best..all of windows 'features' just get in
> the way.
> Dave
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> [] On Behalf
> Of Bryan Savage
> Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2007 5:15 AM
> To: Sparky; List Land Speed
> Subject: Re: [Land-speed] NON LSR
> If you have the Win 98 CD that came with it, change the BIOS to boot
> from the CD and reinstall 98.
> Bryan
> I would buy XP home edition, reformat the drive and install XP. Actually
> I'd install XP Pro. but the home edition is OK. About 10-20 times better
> than 98. Do not get Vista until Service Pack 2 is available.
> Sparky wrote:
>> I have a Toshiba notebook that has windows 98 in it---I was trying
>> to clean it up by deleteing a bunch of my daughters left over
>> stuff---it now goes into a loop of opening screen "Tosh9iba, Windows
>> 98 then does a partial evaluation ----all of this for a few times then
>> peremantely to Windos 98 image----does not respond to any thing but
>> on-off seitch------HELP---I would like to make this thing my ECU
> computer--
>> Sparky
>> AA/_ L 2211
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