As we're getting ready for another season -- I've started doing
things with the trailer. One thing new this year is a first aid kit
dedicated to the trailer (we've already got one in the pickup). I'm
sending this note as a reminder that either you should go through the
kit you've already got, making sure the ointments and gel-packs and
such haven't dried out and are still good, and also that the bandages
and other wrapped things aren't in torn envelopes that no longer
protect the sterility of them --- or you should get a toolbox or some
other container and load it with all the supplies that you should
have in such a kit, then LABEL it "FIRST AID" so anybody can find it
easily when it is needed.
Check: Are you low on one size bandages? Did you use up all of
something? Did you discover a new first aid item over the winter --
that you ought to add to your first aid kit?
At SpeedWeek last year a fellow took a header right near us while we
were in the staging lines, and came up with a hand-sized scrape on
one shin. It sure was nice to have alcohol wipes, bacitracin-type
ointment, and roll bandages right at hand so we could help him
immediately -- so he could continue with his racing without either
giving up his place in line to go to the first aid station back in
the pits -- or bloody up the inside of his safety garb.
Check your first aid supplies, make sure you've got kits for your
support vehicle AND your pit, and hope you never have to use either kit.
Jon Wennerberg
Seldom Seen Slim Land Speed Racing
Marquette, Michigan
(that's 'way up north)