With all the politicians and lawyers in California we are over run with
weasels. The really bad ones we send to Washington D.C.
Go figure. Doug Odom in big ditch
Jon Wennerberg wrote:
> On Saturday, October 21, 2006, at 12:14 PM, Askotto@aol.com wrote:
>> In a message dated 10/21/2006 8:29:53 A.M. Mountain Daylight Time,
>> 23.weldon@comcast.net writes:
>> .......we
>> don't have weasels in California.
>> What!? No weasels in California? Are you sure? Have you looked for
>> weasels
>> in CA??? I thought CA had everything!
>> Otto
> So I called your bluff and looked up weasel habitat. here are a
> couple of links about where weasels are located, including at least
> one map that shows weasels DO live in most of California -- except
> the desert-y southeast part:
> http://www.washington.edu/burkemuseum/collections/mammalogy/mamwash/
> mufr.html
> http://wickedweasel.com/
> I hope this helps and entertains you all.
> Jon Wennerberg
> Seldom Seen Slim Land Speed Racing
> Marquette, Michigan
> (that's 'way up north)