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Re: Car of your future?

To: "drmayf" <>, "Wester Potter"
Subject: Re: Car of your future?
From: "joseph lance" <>
Date: Mon, 28 Aug 2006 22:53:20 -0400
We don't use oil to make electricity--we use coal, nuclear, natural gas, 
hydro, wind/solar(very small), in that diminishing order.

Today, most of the electricity to make hydrogen would come from coal. I 
would rather use up the Arabs oil (then what are they going to do when they 
run out?) instead of enormously increasing the amount of coal we burn just 
to make hydrogen for transportation.  Its got to be appreciated that the 
amount of fuel energy involved in transportation fuels (from oil) dwarfs, by 
a factor of three at least, the amount of fuel energy used to make 
electricity, so replacing oil with Hydrogen or anything else is going to be 
a huge, very expensive job. It ain't going to happen until the Arabs start 
running out of oil and it gets a lot more expensive, no matter how many 
movie stars drive electric cars.

Nuclear plants to make electricity to make Hydrogen is a good bet for the 
future. Burning coal releases MORE radiation than nuclear plants along with 
CO2, SO2, Mercury, etc. So if I had to choose, I'd rather live next door to 
a Nuke plant than a coal plant.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "drmayf" <>
To: "Wester Potter" <>
Cc: "list LSR" <>
Sent: Monday, August 28, 2006 9:47 PM
Subject: Re: Car of your future?

> Wes, Wes Wes... we will still need their oil to make electricity to make 
> hydrogen for the fuel cell. There is no free lunch unfortunately. Hydrogen 
> is only a power storage medium and it costs as much tomake hydrogen from 
> water as you get back when you recombine to make water. In order for a 
> hydrogen economy to work you need cheap electrical power for making 
> fission of fusion power plants. Want one of them puppies 
> in your back yard?
> mayf
> Wester Potter wrote:
>>> I can't wait to hear the U.S. tell the Mideast we don't need their oil
>>>!!!! You have to see this
>>>> -----
>>>>  (Click arrow in middle
>>>>of  screen...wait for it to load.)

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