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To: Doug Odom <>
Subject: Tires
From: Higginbotham Land Speed Racing <>
Date: Tue, 22 Aug 2006 07:23:30 -0700
Wonder what would happen to Goodyear tires if someone shaved them and 
then performed a dynamic test under various loads? Who would I ask? 
Gene Burkland spin tests but with no load on the tire. Better than no 
test at all but he has not tested Goodyears to my knowledge. I 
understand that the bead is the weak point on tires.....maybe we 
ought to gather up a group of engineering folk and design a new tire 
that could go 500 with a margin of safety. Anybody interested?
Skip in hot, dusty old Pahrump

At 06:54 AM 8/22/2006, Doug Odom wrote:
>Skip, If you say 300.001mph or higher to Goodyear they will not talk 
>to you, period. If you figure a 10 % safety factor, shave them, then 
>you are at 330mph. After that you are in no-mans land I 
>guess.   Doug Odom in big ditch
>Higginbotham Land Speed Racing wrote:
>>So when you ask Goodyear what the rating is at 80# or 90# pressure 
>>and 900# load.....what do you get? Should be a higher speed? How 
>>much higher? Who do you ask? Who do you believe?

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