The Neb 4/Swede Tech down run of 167.848 and record of 151.481 makes me in awe
of the NSU record of 150+ from 50 years ago. That was some really great
engineering at that time, even giving them the advantage of fuel and a blower.
People then must have been stunned. Also I am impressed at the level of
performance available across the counter, I guess, from Swede Tech and I
suppose other builders of Go Kart Motors. Lastly Jack Costella's Neb 4 is a
big departure from the norm in streamlined motorcycles. The steering is
something I have not seen before, and the flat bottom seems to solve the
landing gear/fall over on stopping drill. I wonder if anybody else is picking
up on Jack's ideas or is it "Business as usual" for bike 'Liner guys?