Speaking of Salt Talks ... in 5 weeks ...
You may want BS repellant but be SURE to remember MOSQUITO repellant,
the West Nile virus has been found in Utah already this year.
We should have a memorial service for that old grille. The last 120
miles in the back of my pickup led to some fatal structural damage.
The rust around where the legs were welded to the barrel just wasn't up
to the task. My neighbor has abandoned it for a new gas model she
isn't really willing to lend.
I'm bringing a LANTERN. If anyone else has one and room to fit it into
their vehicles, more is better. Those BS sessions could continue for
hours if there was light to see the reaction on some of the listeners
faces to the stretches of the truth that eventually come out.
I'm looking forward to seeing you all!
On Jul 9, 2006, at 10:40 AM, Jon Wennerberg wrote:
> On Saturday, July 8, 2006, at 11:10 AM, Glen Barrett wrote:
>> one of those burnt hot dogs will taste like a steak to him. Time is
>> getting close, I'm ready for a salt fix.
>> Glen
> Glen, those hot dogs aren't burnt. We see you coming and dip yours
> into drain oil before we put it on the grill. That's where it gets
> that "special" flavor.
> Lots of folks don't know which face goes with what name, so we gather
> and shoot the breeze in person.
> Here's the big news: We're going to have a porta-potty or two
> stationed at the Bend in the Road, I think. No more p***ing contests,
> although I suppose you could stage one if you really wanted to. . .
> We look forward to as many of you as possible attending Salt Talks
> '06. It'll be Sunday, 13 August, at the end of the racing day, at the
> Bend in the Road.
> Nancy & Jon Wennerberg
> Seldom Seen Slim Land Speed Racing
> Marquette, Michigan
> (that's 'way up north)