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Re: fast bike dismounts & chutes

To: Dick J <>, Jon Wennerberg
Subject: Re: fast bike dismounts & chutes
From: Skip Higginbotham <>
Date: Thu, 15 Jun 2006 14:21:43 -0700
Over 200 Dick and the shock is relative to the size of the chute. 
These chutes were small.

At 01:51 PM 6/15/2006, Dick J wrote:
>I'm not sure but that the opening shock of the chute at those speeds 
>would cause more inujury than not having one.  When paratroopers 
>exit an aircraft in flight, it's done at just over a hundred miles 
>an hour - - less if possible.  An canopy deploying at 200+ would put 
>quite a yank on the wearer.  I don't think the drag boats were 
>anywhere near 200 when those chutes were used, were they?

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