Seems to me that if two people in this sport were asked the question there
should have been at least three answers ............. not a total blank.
Running at Bonneville is an American speed pasttime supported by racing
enthusiasts who have cars that meet the SCTA/BNI classifications and build
regulations rule book from around the world - Australia, Japan. England -
even that man Turk from Alabama.
There are attempts made on the salt under private time (FIA or FIM) or if a
bike owner at the Bub meet (AMA & FIM regulations applied).
The archive for this group will be full of FIA and FIM related e mails.
Its just a matter of whether the record you set is acknowledged by a
worldwide and therefore International governing body or by a National body
with extensive following related to the salt flats site.
When it comes to the top two speeds set on land by cars and the top two
speeds set by bikes, the "World" usually accepts the records set under FIA
for cars and FIM for bikes (two wheelers). Some on this group will
disagree, but in outright speed terms these records and the manner in which
they were set can be traced back to the earliest days of automobiles, bikes
and thrust cars.
FIA World Record is the Andy Green, Thrust SSC supersonic runs. The
fastest automobile is that run by the late Don Vesco at 458 mph and change.
On two wheels Dave Campos holds the wheel driven best under FIM - but
others have gone quicker when going one way under their observation, but no
back up pass. The thrust powered two wheeled record is still 'open' for
the same reason (lack of back up pass).
To gain experience if you are in the USA then work with the SCTA/BNI and
eventually you could be a record holder too.
Malcolm Pittwood, Derby, England
PS Well done Keith on getting the latest hat.