The whole point Mayf is to gain some knowledge of how air flows around the
car... sure it's low speed but I'll be able to see the air flow... ( why yes
I plan on being the smoke wand holder )...( Doug Odom is my driver... (
maybe even a Real driver at Maxton )...
I'm not really looking for marginal gains.... I'm looking for the obvious...
and quite frankly setting the car up in it's starting line attitude will
give me the numbers for the first half of the course... the car only looses
3/8" total altitude during a run... so the second ride height adjustment
will give me the end of the course.... The windscreen goal is to direct air
just over the top of the cage... but not bounce it way into the air... again
I'll know more about it once I do it...
Keep in mind all I did was come up with a plan... something that Gary Eaker
can work from.... He's absolutely NOT providing advice to anyone outside our
community and none of the Nascar knowledge he's gained will be shared...
basically his business won't allow him to cross level knowledge of
airflow... all he can do is provide the Tunnel... otherwise nobody would use
Oughta be a damn hoot.... just made noise and watched the tires go around
and stop... so I guess it's about as ready as it's going to be...