Keith -- one word comes to mind, the great savior of my (in)sanity -- TIVO
She said there isn't much value to another electronic device in the family
room... but since we got the unit two Christmases ago I have not seen one
installment of Dancing with the stars, The Bachelor, etc...
Life is good... no... Life is GREAT!!!!
-----Original Message-----
Subject: Dancing with the stars? ( How NOT to view it )(no Lsr )
Okay so here's the deal.... if you tape Dakar during the day and stick the
tape in quick enough after dinner.... you might be able to avoid loss of the
remote control, As a male I'm not prone to admitting loss of the Control at
any time.... but we all have to admit to momentary lapses in judgment.... (
think about that time spent going potty... or getting the next beverage of
choice )....
The down side here is, if the spouse just happens to remember the show she
wants to watch well after it's been aired... your now left to watching her
scurrying about on the internet to find the results of her favorite dorky
romance dance show of the season....all the while reminiscing about the
wonderful husband who "used to " remind her of her favorite programming....
Trust me all of this is vastly more survivable then watching that silly