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RE: Them Dzus Fasteners...

To: "drmayf" <>, "LSR" <>
Subject: RE: Them Dzus Fasteners...
From: "Albaugh, Neil" <>
Date: Fri, 6 Jan 2006 10:36:05 -0600

I've always hated Dzus fasteners. Years ago I worked at NRAO in Green
Bank, WV and we used Dzus fasteners to secure the flat panel access
doors on our receivers. Each panel had about 20 fasteners around the
edges and invariably some bozo would over-tighten them and this would
cause the pin to flare out where it contacted the spring. Once that
happened the pin diameter was too large to fit through the hole-- the
thing wouldn't release. It was lots of fun hanging up in the air on a
radio telescope in the cold and dead of night trying to get those panels

I think the problems could have been avoided by making the pin holes
larger in diameter but not over- tightening them in the first place
would have been the key to success.

Anyway, I've always avoided them since those days. Southco makes some
nice fasteners that don't get hung up in a panel.

Regards, Neil    older & wiser in some ways-- Tucson, AZ

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of drmayf
Sent: Thursday, January 05, 2006 8:59 PM
Subject: Them Dzus Fasteners...

Ok, I used the Aircraft Spruce table to figure the panel thickness. Then

that gave me multiple grip lengths. I went to Chassis SHop web page 
found the size I wanted, ordered that grip length. The I ordered the 
spring "adjuster" just in case... If this doesn't work, I may be having 
a fire sale on dzus fasteners.  Thanks for all the help. If it does 
work, I may put up an article on my web site explaining how to get the 
right ones. If it don't work, I may put up an article telling how to get

the wrong ones...who knows...

mayf, the rednecked ignorant desert rat in Pahrump

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