Mephistopheles was also the name painted on the side of a large WW 1 German
tank, circa 1914 ~ 1918 ..... I've seen it several times in a documentary
film on the
'Great War'. I doubt very much that vehicle ever went as much as fifty
miles per hour
on its test course somewhere back in Deutschland. It probably did live up
to its' name
and scared the 'devil' out of any doughboys seeing it coming their way !
Speaking of WW 1, on Friday all of our states observe Veteran's Day,
used to be known as Armistice Day ..... the day in 1918 when, at the 11th
hour of
the 11th day of the 11th month, the guns fell silent in Europe ..... the
"War to End
All Wars" was over . History has shown us things didn't quite work out that
Say, Glen( Barrett ) : Didn't you once tell me you heard the news from
that day on Mr. Marconi's new invention, while working on your 'T' roadster
Did Mephistopheles make me say that ? BDF