Sound advice as always Tom. I also am a big fan of
others looking at my gear for suggestions on "how to
do it better". Any idea what ever happened to 999 ?
(see it here:
Dale Krumheuer
Cleveland Ohio
--- "Thomas E. Bryant" <> wrote:
> List,
> Further comments on the Herda car. This car was
> likely the most
> aerodynamically perfect car of its day. As has been
> stated, Bob was an
> aeronautical engineer and was very much into detail.
> His unfortunate
> death was preventable, but he chose not to heed the
> inspector's
> suggestions. The tech people had repeatedly told him
> that he should put
> drain holes in the belly pan, but he did not want to
> compromise the
> aerodynamics by doing so.
> Today it isn't a choice, drain holes are required in
> belly pans and
> should be! Another item that was mentioned in Jim
> Knapps story was that
> the belly pan pulled down from the firewall allowing
> the fuel & fire to
> enter the driver's compartment. I don't know what
> the rest of you do,
> but my firewall is anchored at the bottom to the
> belly pan to minimize
> the possibility of a separation of the is kind.
> It is sad that in order for rules to be enforced
> someone has to die, but
> that seems to be the only way to get our attention.
> I am not faulting
> our tech people, they do an excellent job. There are
> so many things in a
> car that can be a problem that it is easy to
> overlook potential problems
> until an accident brings them to the forefront. I
> welcome new inspectors
> to look at my car, because each person looks at a
> car a bit differently
> and may see something that has been overlooked by
> myself and previous
> tech people.
> Tom, Redding CA - #216 D/FCC
*I can't understand why people are frightened by new ideas. I'm frightened of
old ones."
Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005