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Look at the Flip Side, Jon ......( WOS Cancellation )

Subject: Look at the Flip Side, Jon ......( WOS Cancellation )
Date: Sat, 3 Sep 2005 22:33:12 EDT
Hey Jon, I realize that everyone planning on  racing at, or just attending, 
the World of 
Speed meet out there is quite disappointed to say the least ....... but  just 
consider this :
        All of those raindrops out there  just solved your problem of whether 
or not to
spring for that 900 bucks or more worth of Diesel fuel needed to get you  and 
and the bike out to the Salt. Too bad a lot of that  water couldn't be used 
in Water Injection 
to make up even five or ten% of the fuel in ALL of  our tanks: street / track 
/ marine use, WHATEVER !!!   I DO think Bob  -Crafty- W. is Onto Something 
there with that Highly Stressed little four banger  in his Insight ...... A LOT 
of HP in a Little Package there !!!
       I also bet it sings a Very Sweet  Tune in the upper rev department, 
too ......
                      Always TRY to look at the Bright Side, Buddy ......
      Let's hope that Mother Nature decides  to be kind to all the racers & 
still hoping to be on the Salt for the World Finals with Fair Winds and a  
Fast Course !
      You said the bike felt strong at  Speedweek, so Best of Luck to you & 
at Maxton ..... or the Finals, whichever you attend  .       
      Bruce, back home from the left coast,  and the lack of rain here is 
saving a very
minute bit on my lowly lawnmower's fuel needs ..... big  deal! 
     Regular petrol running about $2.96 to $3.29  locally( Yesterday evening, 
that is ! )
PS :  Recalling my flathead coupes in the mid 50s pulling up to pumps  that 
numbers like 20/9 -- 21/9 per gal ....... even the Golden Esso  and Sunoco 
260 my
smallblock took a liking to in the Sixties seems like a Real Bargain when  
alongside of today's costly gas !  I'd better not complain  after reading 
what Pork Pie told 
us of prices over there in Deutschland .  I can't recall what it cost  when I 
was there
in Nellingen in the late 50s.  Oooops, sorry, I digress again .....  seems to 
more often nowadays !   
            Good  Luck to All of You when you get to run your Hot Wheels  !

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  • Look at the Flip Side, Jon ......( WOS Cancellation ), FastmetalBDF <=