Pork Pie;
Dang it Thomas! Looked forward to you in that photographer vest and bush hat.I
understand bud. Heilbronn is a little ways away.
AS Glen mentioned,keep update with Jons & SCTA's nitely results.
Hoping to see you at World Finals Pork! Gut Lock(Good Luck)
Tom Shannon
Magna, Utah
---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From: "Pork Pie" <pork.pie@t-online.de>
Reply-To: "Pork Pie" <pork.pie@t-online.de>
Date: 04 Aug 2005 20:57 GMT
>Hello to all my friends at the salt,
>the sad news, I have to stay in Germany, no chance to come to the salt for the
>Speedweek or for the World of Speed - still in hope to catch the World Final.
>Was to hard hit from business trouble in the engineer office I worked for.
>Have to hunt for a new job and lost too much money.
>Sorry for you all, this time there will be no photographer be roasted at the 6
>mile marker, waiting for the racers coming out of the five with the parachute.
>Last year I missed the salt talk, so as Rick Yacoucci, when we took care for
>the pits during the tornado, this time I will miss him again....this su.......
>I wish you all a save, successful and dry Speedweek.
>By the way, Keith Turk and fake rock, his name is program......in Germany the
>translation of Keith's name Turk means
>"Tuerke" or as verb "tuerken", which also means - as a slang Word - to fake
>As I said, Keith's name is the right one........
>Thing fast....always
>Pork Pie
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