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To: Land Speed List <>
Subject: Coatings
From: Finishline Coatings <>
Date: Tue, 12 Jul 2005 08:32:32 -0700
Hey fellows..
.Don't you guys ever read the advertising index in your rule book or 
programs at Bonneville?  Look and see what companies advertise, what 
companies support the race organization that you folks enjoy.
We at Finish Line coatings as well as all the other advertisers in the 
rule book and news letters  support your sport.
 If these formats...rule books and newsletters have  no advertisers, 
they will not exist.  If the advertisers or the companies that advertise 
in turn are not supported by fellow racers, they can't afford to advertise.
We have spent years developing special coatings for the land speed 
racing enthusiast. From engine coatings to exhaust coatings to chassis 
and suspension coatings and yet the percentage of land speed racers that 
we do work for tells me that very few people in this sport are loyal to 
those that support it.
 If this sounds like I'm upset or frustrated that's very true ...I am. 
because I read inquiries on this list about request for the  type of  
products and services (piston coatings for example) we provide and yet 
very few of you inquiry to us about doing work for you.  I'm sure that 
we are not the only supporters of the land speed racing community that 
feel the way we do because others have mentioned this to me.
Ok guys, I'll get off my soap box and get back to work ....thanks for 
letting me vent!!  (I've go to get Bob Ragsdale's headers welded up and 
coated as Speed Week is only 4 wks away.
Russ Meeks # 902 XO Gas Modified Roadster
Finishline Coatings

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