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Re: New Hydrogen Cycle

To: Chris Harris <>
Subject: Re: New Hydrogen Cycle
From: Bryan Savage <>
Date: Thu, 16 Jun 2005 08:07:45 -0700
And when the day's over Chris, you just turn it off. Two or three minutes
to feed it in the morning and your ready for another day.
Once a week you give it the amount of care a horse requires every day.
If it has a problem, you can usually fix it your self.

A superior tool,

Chris Harris wrote:

> Very interesting article Tom, the concept definitely has a future.
> No horse is like a quiet running bike though, believe me. Twenty five 
> years of riding horses on the sheep & cattle station (ranch) stopped the 
> instant I climbed on my original 125 Suzuki rotary valve scooter with a 
> knobbly.
> Chris Harris...........NZed.

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