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RE: TIG Welder wiring question

To: <>, <>
Subject: RE: TIG Welder wiring question
From: "Dave Dahlgren" <>
Date: Fri, 13 May 2005 05:11:04 -0400
It begs the next question. The 100 amp plug and socket.. I always thought
welders that big were not portable per se. I was going to hard wire mine and
have an extra 15 feet of seal-tite flex conduit if I need to move it around.
For the grounding just get another work clamp and go from the rod to
whatever you are welding or the welding table, you could also use batter
cable for that as it is low volts.

> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> []On Behalf Of
> Sent: Thursday, May 12, 2005 7:45 PM
> To:
> Subject: TIG Welder wiring question
> Hello to the group;
>     Any mail order electrical house where I can  purchase #3- 3
> wire or #3- 4
> wire SJO or SJ electrical cable?  Also need to  purchase a 100 amp wall
> receptacle and a 100 amp male plug.
>   Checked locally and the largest cable they have is  #6.
> Lincoln Electric
> specifies a #3 cable for their Precision TIG  375.  I would like
> to run a 100
> amp feed line from my circuit breaker box  to a female receptacle
> so I can plug
> the TIG welder in.  Need to also wire  up the TIG with # 3 3 wire
> and also
> run a separate ground wire to an 8 ft  grounding rod driven into
> the earth.  Any
> help is greatly  appreciated!
> Thanks,  Tony G  LI,NY

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