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Necessary information for everyone ... non LSR

To: "" <>
Subject: Necessary information for everyone ... non LSR
From: W S Potter <>
Date: Sat, 19 Mar 2005 10:19:33 -0700
I've been going through some legal stuff with my almost 93 year old mother.
We have set up part of the things discussed here but are in the process of
clarifying others.  this is so concise and plain I thought I'd pass it
along.  Wish the attorney we are dealing with had explained things this
clearly several years ago.


Subject: Follow-up on living wills thread
Author: Frank Drebin
Date: Mar 19, 2005 - 07:22am
Category: Chit Chat
Viewed 53 times
I hope you all don't mind, but there was so much mis-information floating
around on this topic, I thought I'd share some info. I do seminars on this
subject. (My wife and I survived a plane crash a couple of years ago, and it
brought home the urgency of all this).

Just so you all know, every family needs these documents done, especially if
you have children:

1. Will. This disposes of your assets at death, of course. More importantly,
you need this to address guardianship of minor children. This is critical.
Remember the parents who were struck by lightning in the Uintas last summer?
(A living trust can be used if you want to stay out of probate. This merely
transfers title to assets before death so there is nothing for a probate
judge to do.)

2. Living Will (or physicians directive). This directs doctors how long you
wish to have your life artificially prolonged by life-sustaining procedures
if you are terminally ill.

3. Health Care Power of Attorney. This gives someone (usually your spouse)
the right to make medical decisions on your behalf if you cannot
communicate. (Coma, dementia, cat got your tongue, you name it. This is used
when you are NOT terminal).

4. Durable Power of Attorney. Same thing, except for non-medical, everyday

5. Personal Property statement. Directs where you want keepsakes, valuables
to go. (Referred to in the will).

6. Personal Representative Instructions. Tells what kind of funeral, casket,
etc. you want.

For you young guys, the crutial thing is having guardianship of your kids
designated. Don't put this off.


Frank Drebin

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